
Dieuwertje de Leeuw specialises in corporate, commercial and financial litigation. She advises and litigates in matters involving commercial disputes (e.g. performance and cancellation of contracts and broken-off negotiations), acquisition-related disputes (e.g. warranties, indemnities and earn-out provisions) shareholder conflicts and directors’ and officers’ liability. Dieuwertje is also a legal specialist in the areas of (prejudgment) attachments and enforcement of judgments and security rights and has garnered a wide range of experience in financial sector disputes, including disputes regarding duty of care issues, termination of banking relationships, fraud and AML matters.

Dieuwertje represents clients in proceedings before the public courts, in arbitration and in mediation.

Dieuwertje publishes and lectures on a regular basis. She is a guest lecturer at VU Amsterdam University in a course on the fundamentals of corporate and company law, and an editor of the corporate law journal Bedrijfsjuridische Berichten.

Dieuwertje is one of the founding partners in Finch Dispute Resolution. Before that, she worked as a lawyer for DLA Piper and Wijn & Stael.

The Finch team is truly exceptional.

Legal 500 2024

Dieuwertje de Leeuw is analytical and her style is very convincing. An excellent negotiator as well.

Legal 500 2024

Dieuwertje de Leeuw is a great lawyer – sharp, analytical and subtle in her approach.

Legal 500 2024

They are litigators at heart: fast, independent, down to earth, pragmatic and respected among colleagues.

Legal 500 2024

Finch’s team is friendly, open, and very pleasant to work with.

Legal 500 2024

Academic background

  • ADR Instituut, Legal Mediator Training Programme (2023)
  • Grotius Academy, Financing & Securities specialist programme, cum laude (2013)
  • The Law Firm School (2009)
  • Leiden University, Dutch law (company law and civil law) (2007)
  • Monash University (Melbourne), 1 semester (2006)


  • Vereniging Corporate Litigation
  • Vereeniging Handelsrecht


    • ‘Overdracht van beslagen goederen: wanneer is sprake van onttrekking aan het beslag in de zin van artikel 198 Sr?, case note on the Dutch Supreme Court’s judgment of 10 November 2023, ECLI:NL:HR:2023:152, published in Bedrijfsjuridische berichten (2024/4)
    • ´De middellijk aandeelhouder en de economische werkelijkheid in het enquêterecht’, (co-authored with Tom Dijkhuizen), published in Bedrijfsjuridische berichten (2023/62)
    • ‘De nieuwe corporate governance code: duurzaamheid, diversiteit & inclusie en dialoog’, published in Bedrijfsjuridische berichten (2023/14)
    • ‘Factuurfraude: wie betaalt de prijs? Bevrijdend betalen na het Devante/Hascor-arrest (HR 28 mei 2021, ECLI:NL:HR:2021:783)’, published in Maandblad voor Ondernemingsrecht (2021/11)
    • ‘Bescherming van stakeholders en de grenzen van het agenderingsrecht’ (Boskalis/Fugro, ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2015:3452), published in Tijdschrift voor Arbeid & Onderneming (2018/4)
    • ‘Extra bescherming voor de OK-functionaris: de escrowvoorziening’, published in Maandblad voor Ondernemingsrecht (2016/3)
    • ‘De grenzen van het agenderingsrecht en het speelveld van de aandeelhouder na Boskalis/Fugro’ (Boskalis/Fugro, ECLI:NL:HR:2018:652), published in Tijdschrift voor Arbeid & Onderneming (2015/3)