Collaboration Finch and Utrecht University: symposium share valuation

August 3, 2023

Collaboration between Finch Dispute Resolution and Utrecht University leads to a first article on shareholder safeguards in share valuations. In addition, Finch Dispute Resolution is organising a symposium on this topic together with Utrecht University.

Shareholder safeguards in share valuations – share price determination for voluntary transfers

Finch Dispute Resolution is sponsoring a research project on shareholder safeguards in share valuations. This research is being conducted by Utrecht University. Yesterday, a first  as part of this research project by Han Gulyás and Emmanuel Lokin was published in the Dutch law journal Maandblad voor Ondernemingsrecht – MvO. You can read the article via this link.

Invitation: symposium

In the autumn, Finch Dispute Resolution is organising a symposium (in Dutch) on this topic together with Utrecht University. Are you interested in attending? If so, send an e-mail to and you will receive more information in due course.

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